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#wisdom Are afraid to say "no' to someone? Are you always trying to please someone else but in doing so you actually are displeasing a part of yourself?
It's actually ok to say NO... - To the coffee date instead of working on your business - To the link to watch an event that you know you're just not interested in or couldn't possibly fit into the 1000's of things you're already doing - To the person that keeps calling or messaging you just to talk - To the children - To the family - To the husband / boyfreind - To the guy that keeps asking you out - To your boss - To your coach / mentor - To your work colleagues... See the thing is this.... No one should ever make you feel bad for doing the things you want! Its essential to honour the way you feel. Its essential to honour the way you show up. Its essential to take time to sit and ponder life. Its essential to understand that some moments you can never go back and live again. Its essential that we teach others that saying 'No' isn't personal... And truth is 99.9% of the time you say 'yes'! What is it that you have to say 'no' to today?
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#teachme Today I'm teaching you about $$$. I went to the course I mentioned in November 2016. During the course I realised that if I'm not the master of my money, then it is the master of me! That day things changed!
If you're on the Gold Coast, he is running a 2 day seminar. Make sure you do everything to attend! So my question is this.... Are you fed up of feeling stressed or overwhelmed when thinking about money? Or finding that when you do manage to scrape together and save some cash, some unforeseen bill comes along … (Your car breaks down, your dog needs emergency surgery, your washing machine starts to leak) … And BAM! All those savings vanish in a puff of smoke. Well, I think it’s time that should change. Money doesn’t need to be a source of anxiety or aggravation; instead it should be the ultimate tool to help you fulfil any and all goals and aspirations! That's why I am so excited to introduce you to my friend Mitch Behan at MJB Seminars, who will soon be hosting his 2 day seminar workshop Master Mind and Money. This is an event which will help you to discover EXACTLY how to break through to the next level of your wealth and prosperity. Mitch is a real pro; he has over 18 years experience and is a leader in the field of human development. He’s even spoken alongside some of the greatest minds in this field, including Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr John Demartini, Dave Logan, Jack Canfield and Paul Bailey—to name a few! At Master Mind and Money, Mitch will unveil the bona fide information, education and knowledge to create ongoing profit and generate wealth in all areas of your life. In this seminar, you will also discover the steps to boost your wealth and success to incredible levels! (Here’s a sneak peak: it’s through an ingenious process called the 7 Wealth Principles.) …..As a business person, I’m telling you about this event because I understand that you too want to be someone of authority, expertise and influence. The information you’ll receive at Master Mind and Money can help to achieve precisely that. For each individual who’s prepared to shake things up and make a move, this is a real golden opportunity. And because I was determined that you didn’t miss out on this event, I had a word with Mitch and he agreed to open up this opportunity to you for FREE. All you have to do to secure your seat is click the link below, and then away you go! [Register now for your FREE ticket] I can’t wait to hear all about your experience. To your success, Amanda xox P.S. Tickets to Master Mind and Money are normally $295. And yet you’re going to get your ticket for FREE! So make sure to [click here to secure your seat] 28/8/2017 0 Comments What The Secret Didn't Tell You#motivationalmindset What is it that will result in you achieving your dreams and desires?
Is it motivation? Is it visualization? Is it procrastination? From what I've learned, the later is most likely not going to assist you! I trust you worked that one out yourself! What I've noticed, is that motivation and visualization play a part in your success, but there are two fundamentals that will see you succeeding faster if you implement them! Inspiration and action! When you desire to succeed, it's more likely that if you feel inspired by what it is that you are working towards or on that you will be motivated to do what needs to be done. Action is the key! As a Law of Attraction practitioner, the biggest mistake or misleading processes of 'The Secret' forgot to mention the fundamental steps to achieving success do not lie in visualization alone but action! When we take inspired action steps towards our goals, we will close the gap faster and see the results quicker. The action is unique to us all and depending upon our individual goals, will require specific steps to achieving those goals. What are 5 actions you could do today that will bring you closer to your goal? Is it calling 5 people? Is it walking / running another 5 mins? Is it putting in that extra effort and setting some time to do the work that needs doing? Get a 'plan of action' together to see how it is that you can move forward. If you need any help with this, reach out! #freebiefriday I'm very excited about this freebie!
I'm after someone that is passionate about allowing women to find their authentic self. I'm after someone that would love to learn how to facilitate workshops, training, hold sacred circles and empower women through empowering yourself! If you are currently working - that's fine, this opportunity is available for you also... If you currently have your own business, again this is for you also! If this resonates with you, follow the link and lets get in touch! 23/8/2017 0 Comments If I Had A Dollar Every Time...#wisdom Do you go through life thinking about the success of others?
Do you scroll through Facebook and look at other peoples lives and wish that you where in their shoes? Or create stories of why they have 'made it' or are 'successful' etc, and your not? Do you envy someones looks, their body, their family etc? Wisdom for today is this.... Stop comparing yourself to others in anyway be it family, body, success, travel, business it will not lift you up! Stop telling yourself stories as to why someone has something and you don't - you don't know their story of the pain, struggles and challenges that have lead them to this point in life! You don't know their 'why' that drives them to be successful! Anyone can do what someone else has done... that is a fact!If you are in this space of envy. jealousy and story telling, then you are allowing your limiting beliefs to create your reality.... What if just for today you looked at the success of others and found inspiration! What if you asked 'how can I' instead of 'how can't I'? Be empowered in life by what others have achieved and only look to yourself to compare anything - fact is this don't get upset for the things you didn't do but should have done! Life's to short to complain xox 18/8/2017 0 Comments Family Is My Life....#freebiefriday.... There isn't really an offer that is tangible or clickable other than is....
Spend as much time with the people you love and care for and offer you a space that you can be yourself... I've been blessed to be spending the week with both my boys and really enjoying every moment with them just listening, breathing and respecting them as their own souls finding a space in this big amazing Universe! It's such a blessing to tune into how much insight they have in the world and how we may think they are all disconnected. but essentially the skill set this generation have is truly because unlike us, they have been highly tuned to smell a rat and not believe the hype! A lesson for us all is... Stop judging and start listening... They have the answers to what we may need to know... If you're spending too much of your time judging, bitching and complaining, your missing EVERYTHING!!. #mybiggestteachersinmylife #mygurus #thelovesofmylife #wegotthisshiznga #wisdom If you could do one thing today that would guarantee the success of your future, what would that be?
The steps you take every day - little or big, have an impact on you future self. - If you want to be an author, schedule time daily to write - (20 minutes will be ideal). - If you want to be fitter, toned, healthier etc, take time daily to exercise and eat well. - If you want to grow your business, do activities daily that will eventually pay off. - If you want to educate yourself in any area, read daily, watch documentaries, ask questions. - If you want to learn more about spirituality, read, listen and ask questions, but tune into yourself! When you do the little things, the big things happen by default! Be kind to your self, set yourself a plan of action, act on the plan and your future self will thank you for it as you create your reality! #teachme Branding yourself is essential! People don't buy what you have, they buy or connect with you as an individual.
Your business is not the brand - you are! It doesn't matter if you do not have a business, what matters is that you have a vision of being the best version of yourself and showing up! What does it mean to brand yourself? That is what I am teaching you today. If you run a business, you are the business so ensure that your name is in the title. If you're unsure of how this would work individually, connect with me so we can explore some options, otherwise "Host" or "Present"you business name. If you have a product, this can be a little more difficult, however you are the person behind the product, so that is also essential to ensure you align yourself as the brand. Steps involved: - Let go of ego or that you're not good enough etc - Get clear on your purpose and who you desire to work with or what is it that you offer to your clients / customers? - If you are using your personal Facebook page for business, don't! Start a business page in your own name. This is essential for advertising and promoting yourself and also growing your reach to thousands of people as your personal page has limitations for the amount of people you reach. - Change current Facebook pages to your name - Apply for page verification as a public figure(blue tick) - If possible, get professional photo's taken - Look for colours to brand yourself with for advertising, font, business cards etc - Walk your talk! Show up as your authentic self! - Believe in yourself If you don't believe in you, know one else will! 14/8/2017 0 Comments Get Out Of Your Own Way!#motivationalmindset Is the fear of being successful or failure getting in your way?
Either way, it has nothing to do with the label, but all to do with getting in your own way! How many times do you find yourself getting distracted from the things that you know will lead you closer to your outcome? Things like watching TV when you could be working on your program or career or study? How many times do yo find yourself falling back onto the arms of a lover that is similar to the one before, just different colour hair, taller and more tanned? How many times do you feel as if you're just about to make a breakthrough and then all of a sudden you distract yourself with something new and shinny! Ask yourself today, what would my life look like of I got out of my own way? I trust you're wondering how to do this? The first step is recognizing the behaviour and calling yourself on it in a loving way - not in a way that makes you feel bad, that's not the focus. Say I see what you're doing and then change the course of action with words that let that little girl inside that she is safe. Be Courageous, Be Amazing, and Be Love xox 13/8/2017 0 Comments Separation Doesn't Really Exist!#spirit It's funny to me how we've been conditioned in life to go through it without even considering that we are all connected!
Some may find this strange and not align with it, others will say heck yes... Give me an amen! I was sitting here thinking about beliefs and teachings that the ancients offer in regards to spirit. I believe that religion only grasped elements that aligned with their motives, but missed the integral parts that are like a thread that connect us all together - our true spirit! I feel the closest teachings / beliefs that get this is are Buddhist, American Indians and the Aboriginal Dream time. They say that we are all connected and that the plants, animals, etc tell us about ourselves. I trust that there is a big part in our consciousness that knows that magic is real and some will call it miracles, I'll say its a gift we all have and where born with. This magic or miracles that are spoken of, bring us together with others, but most importantly with ourselves. See the thing is this. It's not that we don't get that we are all connected, it's that we have created a huge gap or separation for ourselves that we are so disconnected to our own true spirit, how could we ever consider or get that we are all connected on a greater level to everyone else and thing in the universe! There is medicine within the plants. There is healing energy within us all and most of all, we are one with the land, planets, trees, seas you name it, we are all that we see, not separate from! What if instead of heading to pharmaceuticals, alcohol, toxic food and people when we were unwell, sad or needed to process life's challenges, and instead we turned to nature and sat with the plants, animals and magic that is within and without... How amazing would you feel? Let nature be your medicine, your healer and your church... How are you going to honour your spirit today? |
AuthorI am me... Full of useful knowledge that one day me be of benefit to those who love waffling about business, wellness, health and fitness and those who just love life!! Archives
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